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COSTUME DESIGN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Production                                    Company                                        Director                                                     Venue                                      Year

Imogen / Grapes of Wrath           American Shakespeare Co.         Jose Zayas                                  2020 Tour                                             2019

Dear Enrich                                   Opera, NYCO                                Mikhaela Mahony                      Jewish Heritage Museum, NY              2019

L’amore Tri De Re                         Opera, NYCO                               Michael Capasso                       Jazz at Lincoln Center, NY                    2018

Il Pygmalion                                  Opera, NYCO                                Richard Stafford                         Gerald W. Lynch Theater, NY               2018

Ibsanity                                          Fordham Univ.                              Sarah Wansley                           Main Stage F.U., NY                              2018

Dolores Claiborne                        Opera, NYCO                                Michael Capasso                       59E59 Stages, NY                                 2017

How To Use A Knife                     Mixed Blood Theater                   Jesca Prudencio                        Mixed Blood Theater, MN                     2017

Los Elementos                              Opera, NYCO                                Richard Stafford                        Harlem Stages, NY                                2017

Taming of the Shrew                    Chautauqua Theater Co.             Andrew Borba                            Bratton Theatre, NY                              2016

Orange                                          Mixed Blood Theater                   Jack Reuler                                 Mixed Blood Theater, MN                    2016

Burnt House                                 Strindberg Rep.                             Whitney Arnon                           Gene Frankel Theatre, NY                   2015

SBDT 40th Anniversary               Santa Barbara Dance                   Christopher Pilafian                    Hatlen Theater, CA                              2015

Campo Maldito                             NYC Fringe Festival                     Jesca Prudencio                         Teatro, NY/ Exit Stage Left, CA           2014

Season Designer                          Ubuntu Theatre Project               Michael Moran                           Warehouse 46, CA                               2014

Ex Machina                                    NYC Fringe Festival                     Sarah Wansley                           Teatro Latea Theatre, NY                    2013

Season Designer                          Ubuntu Theatre Project               Michael Moran                            Sigh Specific Oakland, CA                  2013

Dark Radio                                    Chautauqua Theater Co.             Mike Donahue                             Bratton Theatre, NY                            2013

Transit                                           Chautauqua Theater Co.             Sarah Rasmussen                        Bratton Theatre, NY                            2013

Graduate Designed Productions, U.C. San Diego  

Mr. Burns, Post Electric Play                                                               Jack Reuler                                  Forum Theatre, CA                             2015

Burial at Thebes                                                                                  Sarah Wansley                             Forum Theatre, CA                             2014

Dee(a)r Spine                                                                                      Sam Mitchell (chor.)                      Dance 3, CA                                        2014

The Mango Farmer of Vermont                                                        Emilie Whelan                                Arthur Wagner Theatre, CA               2014

Grapes of Wrath                                                                                 Michael Moran                              Potiker Theatre, CA                            2013

Will & the Witch                                                                                  Jim Camody                                  Shank Theatre, CA                              2013

Undergraduate Designed Productions, U.C. Santa Barbara  

OverTaken, Spring Dance                                                                 Derion Loman (chor.)                    Hatlen Theater, CA                            2012

These Trees, Dance                                                                          Tenaya Coswell (chor.)                  Hatlen Theater, CA                            2012

On The Verge                                                                                    Irwin Apple                                     Black Box, CA                                     2011

Muutos, Spring Dance                                                                       Sulijah Orya                                   Hatlen Theater, CA                             2011



Production                                   Designer                                      Director                                                    Venue                                            Year

SUMMER                                      Paul Tazewell/Sue Makkoo       Des Mcannuff                               Lunt-Fontanna Theater, NY                   2018

Smile                                             Sue Makkoo                               Mikaela Hogan                            Riverside Theater, NY                             2018

NINE                                             Sue Makkoo                                Luis Perez                                    Riverside Theater, NY                             2017

Somebody’s Daughter                Sara Ryung Clement                  May Adrales                                2st Uptown, NY                                        2017

Candide                                       Judith Dolan                                Harold Prince                              Jazz at Lincoln Center, NY                      2016

Fulfillment                                    Andrea Lauer                              Ethan McSweeney                      American Theater Co., IL                         2015

Fool                                              Judith Dolan                                Gregory Boyd                             Alley Theater, TX                                      2014

Comedy of Errors                        Angela Calin                                Andrew Borba                             Hatlen Theater, NY                                 2013

Clybourne Park                           Jessica Pabst                               Davis McCallum                          Bratton Theater, NY                                 2013

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof                 Teresa Squire                              Lisa Rothe                                    Bratton Theater, NY                                2013

Anawa                                          Ann Bruice                                   Irwin Apple                                  Hatlen Theater, NY                                  2012                            


Film / Television                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Company                                     Production                              Season                                         479 IATSE                                                     Year

Genius: Aretha Franklin             EP Entertainment                      Season 1                                      Costumer                                           2019 - 2020

Freaky Friday 13th                     Swap Meat                                 Film                                              Ager/ Dyer/ Truck Costumer                       2019

Violence of Action                     Mission First Productions         Film                                               Key Costumer                                              2019

The Walking Dead                     Stalwart Films                           Season 10                                     Set / Additional Costumer                          2019



Company                                     Production                              Season                                         764 IATSE                                                     Year

Green Slate                                 First Wives Club                     Season 1                                      Set Costumer                                               2018

Green Slate                                 Living with Yourself               Season 1                                      Set Costumer                                               2018

EP Entertainment                        Madam Secretary                  Season 5                                     Set Costumer                                               2018

EP Entertainment                        Madam Secretary                  Season 4                                     Set Costume                                                 2017          


Company/Production                                                          Designer                    Director                      Staring                                                  Year

Morningside Pictures Inc., Film “Barry” as PA                  Amela Baksic              Vikram Gandhi            Devon Terrell, Anya Taylor-Joy       2016

ABC, LIVE with Kelly, “Oscar Opener”                              Janet O’Neill               John Ogle                    Kelly Ripa                                          2017

Movies On Demand, “i-Barkers”                                       Janet O’Neill                Emily Meath                Camille Ford                                      2018

Camptastical Inc., Commercial for NAKED water            Janet O’Neill                Henry Mathieu            Ajay Naidu                                         2015

Ten Stories Inc., Commercial for Snap Dragon               Janet O’Neill                Brent Florence            Vinny Curran, Cameron Wright        2015

Ten Stories Inc., Commercial for Green Flash Beer        Janet O’Neill                Peter Hulst                                                                              2015

Ten Stories Inc., Commercial for Qualcomm                   Janet O’Neill                Peter Hulst Paul Jacobs                                                         2015

VRrmm, Pilot “Wake UP America”                                    Cara Giannini              Ava Bogle  George Wendt, Orson Bean                                2015


Fellowships / Positions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Costume Shop Manager                                    Chautauqua Theatre Company, Chautauqua, NY                                                               2015-2016

Assistant Costume Shop Manager                    Chautauqua Theatre Company, Chautauqua, NY                                                                        2014

Costume Resident Assistant                              Page to Stage: Chasing the Song, La Jolla Playhouse, CA                                                          2014

Costume Fellow                                                  Chautauqua Theatre Company, Chautauqua, NY                                                                         2013

Costume Intern Assistant                                   Seattle Children’s Theater                                                                                                               2011

Costume Shop Intern                                          Seattle Opera                                                                                                                                   2011




OTHER WORK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Executive Assistant - Topps | Bazooka Candy Brands, New York, NY                November 2018 – Present

  • EA to Tony Jacobs, Global President of Bazooka Candy Brands and his team of four (Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production)

  • EA to Tobin Lent, VP Topps Digital

  • Managed calendar meetings, set up and broke down meeting rooms for partners and guest

  • Booked domestic and international travel and arranged travel itineraries

  • Arranged interview schedules

  • Worked with outside event coordinators to set up needs for conferences

  • Managed teams expense reports

  • Organized internal group workshops and functions 

  • Created creative decks and presentations


Contract Administrative Positions - Monarch Alternative/ Oscar Health, New York, NY                      June 2018 – October 2018

  • Transferred calls to partners and greeted incoming guests

  • Managed calendar meetings, set up and broke down meeting rooms for partners and guest

  • Took all lunch orders and distributed

  • Operate calls to providers to onboard offices to the health initiative

  • Arrange and manage appointments with provider offices to educate them about Oscar’s Portal services and the health initiative 


Stylist - M.M. LaFleur, New York, NY           October 2015 – Present (Part Time)

  • Personal Stylist under M.M. LaFleur’s product of women’s work wear

  • Worked one-on-one with a large verity of women professional’s clients in NY, Boston, Chicago, D.C. and LA to discover and create the desired wardrobe that fit their working environment

  • Assisted in sett up of pop-up events and merchandising

  • Managed new inventory, shipments and merchandise logs

  • Set up calendars and created daily agendas to meet deadlines

  • Trained staff on fitting education and product knowledge

  • Conducted product inventory at the end of each month




Leadership Education Action Program, Undergraduate Teachers Assistant to Program Organizer, U.C. Santa Barbara    August 2009- June 2011

  • Generated and created quarterly syllabus

  • Conducted section lectures and activities

  • Cooked and organized leadership getaway trips, community outreach and services trip

  • Created and graded projects, papers and assignments

  • Hosted “LEAP” reunion meets with alumni


Intro to Theater 101, Graduate Teachers Assistant, U.C. San Diego                                                                               August 2013-May 2015

  • Conducted section lectures

  • Generated group projects from professor’s syllabus and class topics

  • Graded papers/projects, hosted art outreach, conducted office hours


Costume Construction/ Wardrobe Basics, Graduate Teacher, U.C. San Diego                                                                January 2013- May 2015

  • Generated and created quarterly syllabus around the basics of sewing and wardrobe as part of the theater practicum course majors go through

  • Taught levels of hand, machine, industrial sewing, patterning and quick alterations for on set (each sewing lesson was catered to the skill level of each individual)

  • Taught fabric education within types, burn test, swatching and washing

  • Taught a basic introduction to the process of back stage wardrobe work and careers within the costume shop/wardrobe

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